Waithidden "" -signatureupdate -mmpcrefresh If within a certain number of days old, it will use the delta update so not require the full MPAM.

The update command pulls the patch of the service to pull the current signatures from the MS public location. (it = -1 or it > 3) of (string value of select "AntispywareSignatureAge from AntimalwareHealthStatus" of wmi "root\Microsoft\Securit圜lient" as integer | 0) Unfortunately its a WMI based inspection but if the definition age is either -1 (indicates no defs are is use) or > 3 then the the endpoint is relevant ro un th update command.

You could also execute the signature update when the local defs are over x days old so not need worry about the full MPAM and the complications of that being updated by MS 3 times a day.