One could almost say its an 'A-Team' version of 'Predator' when Arnie and his boys take out the hostile camp at the start.

Its all very easy and by the numbers plus you have seen this kind of thing many times before. Then cue your standard drop into Laos and preparation for taking out the POW camp. Then cue your obligatory training sequences as the men are brought back up to scratch. So off he goes to find a team of Nam vets to dive into Laos, rescue any POW's and bounce back across the border before anyone knew they were there.oh and kill a whole load of natives.Ĭue your obligatory recruitment sequences as Hackman snoops out soldiers from his sons platoon and other war torn troopers. Gene Hackman's son is MIA in a remote area of Laos ten years after the Nam war, he believes he's still alive and wants to rescue him but the government aren't interested. I will give the film its due it does exactly that, you get exactly what you'd expect, it doesn't try to sugarcoat anything or be overally flashy, its cliched and corny at the best of times but its a real crowd pleaser if you ask me. Lets not beat around the camouflaged bush here though, this premise is ripe for a ripping action flick, a real Rambo style emotional rollercoaster. Whether anyone actually tried this idea without proper official backing I don't know, possible though.

I guess its possible, I think there were many US soldiers held after the war had finished and there certainly were many soldiers MIA. I did kinda expect a Nam war flick given the films poster but its not really, whether or not its actually based on any truths again I'm not really sure.

This flick is more of an action flick really, its set after the Nam war and not within the actual war. A straight basic plot that doesn't mess around with complications.